
Showing posts from May, 2020

Eid Mubarak Wishes, Quotes and SMS

Eid Mubarak Wishes, Quotes and SMS Eid Mubarak Wishes, Quotes and SMS . Eid is a Religious Festival which Muslims Celebrate with full of Excitements. It Celebrated when month of Ramadan Kareem completed. This is Gift from Allah to Muslims. Muslims enjoys two Happiness in Year. One is Eid ul Fitr and Second is Eid ul Ezha. This is very happily festival for Muslims. They enjoy it very hapily. On this People Say Eid Mubarak to their loved ones. There are some Greetings of Eid. Click for read history of Eid Eid Mubarak Wishes, Quotes and SMS: "May Allah grant you thousands of happiness on this Eid and spend it happily" "May Allah accept all your Ramadan fasts and grant you many joys of Eid-ul-Fitr and keep your loved ones happy too"  "  Happy Eid Mubarak Wishes  to you and all your family " for download these types images Click here "Happy Eid to you, your family and your loved ones. May Allah grant you thousands of s...

Eid Mubarak Wishes

Eid Mubarak Wishes in this Post you'll find many Eid whishes, quotes, eid mubarak messages and images to wish this eid to your loved ones. Eid Mubarak Wishes Eid-ul-Fitr is actually a combination of many joys. One is the joy of fasting in Ramadan, the other is the joy of staying up at night, the third is the revelation of the Qur'an, the fourth is Laylat ul-Qadr and the fifth is the joy of mercy and forgiveness for those who fast from Allah Almighty and freedom from the torment of Hell. Then it is commanded to express all these joys through charity and alms giving, which is called sadqa al-fitr, so in this day People send Eid Mubarak Wishes to their loved ones. The act of alms giving and charity may be shared with worship. These are the reasons why it has been called a "day of rejoicing" for believers. Eid Mubarak Wishes "May Allah grant you thousands of happiness this Eid and spend it happily" "May Allah accept all your Ramadan fasts ...